Saturday, July 26, 2008

What is Safe to Believe?

I have been reading far too much on the Federal Vision Controversy.

Who should I believe? Well, that is an easy question to answer. Of course, where I am unlearned I should rely on my authorities in the Church at which I am a member. But where my faculties are mature enough I ought to be unmovable, viz. basic Bible teachings.

If what is stated in the blog post "For Those Just Tuning In" is true, then I side against the FV. I will have to go back and re-read my Bible, but I am still convinced of the Reformation Solas. The next thing I need to do is to verify if the FV position obliterates the three covenants (pre-temporal, works, and grace) and if justification (in their understanding) includes "faithfulness." Then I'll need to study the traditional view of justification.

For more information, start here:
For Those Just Tuning in: What is the Federal Vision? (Critical)
Federal Vision (Proponent)
Disputing the Federal Vision

1 comment:

rich said...

supposedly, Buchanan's work on justification is still the most comprehensive and authoritative