Saturday, January 10, 2009

Are we in the millennium?

Isaiah 65:17-25

This is not a discourse on heaven-although it does say new 'heavens'-otherwise we would be left to conclude that their indeed is death in heaven.

Throughout Ezekiel and Isaiah I have noticed the discourse concerning the future plans God has for Israel. He wants to give them His spirit and the attendant ability to actually keep His law. There are very many promises made about the new covenant/new heavens and earth to Israel: spiritual Israel by extension.

Without understanding the Church to be the spirtual heir of Israel much of Scripture cannot be made sense of...But in considering the Church to be true Israel the promises of God from the OT can be seen to be fulfilled...The promises given to OT believers are fulfilled in the NT believers.

For us, that means we are living in the age where we build and inhabit; we plant and harvest our own crops...People will begin to live longer. In the same way that men's lifespans slowly dimished to about 70; so we shall see lifespans slowly lengthen to about 100.

Of course I don't know if it will happen in our lifetime, but at the very least I know that I can plant my crops and work hard on this earth because I will reap the temporal rewards for my physical labors. And that knowledge is very motivating..."Occupy till I come..."

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