Apparently there has been an issue that I was sorely unaware of...Check out get up to speed (see Little Geneva the non-existent antithesis).
Apparently R.C. Sproul Jr. has been defrocked and there is plenty of muckraking taking place.
Apparently Vision Forum/Doug Phillips is being called to question.
Apparently the CREC is too.
The "Sproul" side of the story found here gets a lot of heat.
I had no clue that any of this was going on. I think that the charges made by people in the blogosphere are harsh and they are made because they aren't staring someone in the face as they make the accusations. Personally I have a hard time being dogmatic about third hand information and will relegate myself to the sidelines until things get clearer.What I do not like is the tone of the anti-Sproul/Phillips/Wilson crowd. I have in the past myself been very critical of others and am now very critical of this pastime.
What I would like to see from the anti-Sproul/Phillips/Wilson crowd is fair and balanced reporting. There is no need in mixing opinion with fact when there is a need to disseminate information.
Here is where the muddy water becomes clearer. And check out their newer blog. They have several links to Vision Forum responses, the site, etc. So now I've come full circle.
Also see Kevin Swanson on the controversy.
Since this controversial matter continues (even now) to be controversial I have for the third time wandered through the wilderness to search for more answers. One of my reasons for remaining skeptical of Sproul's defrocking was that initially I actually thought it was a hoax. After several more hours though I began to realize that it had spread too far across the internet and would otherwise have to be an extremely elaborate hoax.
Thus according to my parsimonious reasoning (i.e. Occam's Razor) I concluded that it must have actually occurred and that without my knowledge. I was mystified. And in any case the burden of proof is always on the accusers (innocent until proven guilty). Thus I remained unconvinced.
Some might point to the well documented case against Mr. Sproul, but I could not simply accept even that at face value (I question almost everything, or do I?). I have some experience with logic and debate and have learned to question the legitimacy of a source. It is something that needs to be established before the discussion may continue.
Up till now I had not yet delved into answering the lingering questions of mine (Why not? Not enough time for one; I finished this post late at night and couldn't take any more of wading through the muckraking). Why does only have all the documentation? Who are they? Why do they care? Well I answered those questions today and have tentatively concluded that the documentation they provide may be taken at face value.
Sources: Read Peter Kershaw's (runs statement on (I have linked to google's cache of this page, so get it while it's hot.). And most importantly note that the RPCGA's website links to (aka. Heal Our Land Ministries). This latter source establishes the credibility of as a primary source and more than likely unbiased.
This answers one question but still leaves more: What is Doug Wilson/CREC's connection and why (i.e. what does it mean?)? Why do the critics of Sproul/Wilson appear to stand shoulder to shoulder with the critics of Doug Phillips?
If it was a simple scenario: "Sproul did bad stuff and is being punished" then I could say "Well I'm glad that's over with." But it gets more complicated than that. Apparently the CREC got involved and it didn't get access to the entire case file so was uninformed about the entirety matter. Does this mean that the CREC committed wrong doing and should be shunned? Should Sproul be shunned? Is he still trying to pass himself off as a Pastor? What does defrocking truly mean in all of its illustriousness?
Are the answers too difficult to discover? NO. But do I have the time to answer all of them? NO. So is it fair to accuse me of disservice to others? Keep in mind that I did not cast a judgment one way or the other. I had and still have too little information to make sense of the entire affair; I will not be happy, nor was I ever, in making sweeping judgments based on insufficient data.
If anyone is willing to answer my questions please do. But I do not take information simply asserted. Provide the links from unbiased sources (where possible). With more and more [true] information the muddy waters become clearer. Thanks for reading.
Vision Forum links to Mrs. Binoculars, an endorsement (I presume). Mrs. Binoculars says that there is no connection between Phillips and Sproul (debacles, etc.).
Last Edited: Thu, Aug 28, 2008.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Interesting Read [Updated...And Beyond]
Posted by
9:26 PM
Labels: Random Thoughts, Update
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It's hard to understand your point here. Are you saying you disagree with the decision of Sproul's denomination to defrock him? Or is this just an issue that you don't like "the tone" of anyone who agrees that Sproul should have been defrocked?
I'm confused by your position because "tone" is such a nebulous sort of thing. Could you give some examples of what you mean?
Thank you.
"Are you saying you disagree with the decision of Sproul's denomination to defrock him?"
"Or is this just an issue that you don't like 'the tone' of anyone who agrees that Sproul should have been defrocked?"
That is not the case.
"Could you give some examples of what you mean?"
How about I rephrase my desire in the positive. See post.
"I'm confused by your position"
But that's just it...I didn't take a position.
"[I] will relegate myself to the sidelines"
Please don't waffle. I fully support your right to express your opinions. So go right ahead and express them! Please don't toss out "random thoughts" of accusing people of "muck-raking", and then when you're asked for clarification you hide behind "[I] will relegate myself to the sidelines" and "I didn't take a position." That's ridiculous. Of course you took a position, and it's too obvious what side you're coming down on. Again, I fully support your right to come down on either side, but if you're going to do it then please try and be a little more decisive than this.
You seem very confused, and your own confusion isn't serving anyone's best interests, particularly those you wish to defend.
Muckraking: definition; to search out and publicly expose real or apparent misconduct of a prominent individual or business.
You tell me then. If they weren't muckraking then what were they doing? I'll be glad to substitute a different word, but not if it means the same thing.
See my post for updates.
Actually never mind. I don't think there is another word equivalent to muckrake.
Note that the last comment linked to a thesaurus.
Thank you for the revisions you made to your article. This helps me considerably in understanding where you're coming from.
I (sort of) agree that "I think that the charges made by people in the blogosphere are harsh" but I don't necessarily agree that "they are made because they aren't staring someone in the face as they make the accusations." Too speculative.
My obvervation of the matter tells me that any perceived harsh "tone" may come as a result of people who themselves had been subjected to some form of ecclesiastical abuse. Those horrible memories colored their own perceptions of what took place at St. Peter Presbyterian Church. There certainly were enough comments made by third parties on various blogs that would support my belief in this.
Sproul was defrocked, in part, for "abuse of authority in an inexcusable manner". Anyone who's been on the receiving end of ecclesiastical abuse in any other church (and there are many such people) probably never had the vindication of seeing their abuser defrocked. Reading about an incident where justice was served, especially where they themselves never were able to have justice, is bound to cause people to become a bit emotional ("harsh" as you say), perhaps to the point of even doing some piling-on.
Various experts who've studied the effects of spiritual abuse say that it causes many of the same emotional and physiological responses as rape, and it can take just as long for the emotional wounds to heal. Rather than coming down hard on those that you acuse of being "harsh," perhaps you might consider that at least some of them may have been victims of spiritual abuse and they're expressing opinions that are colored by personal experience.
I've seen multiple comments speak of the need of "forgiveness" and "grace" etc. toward Sproul. Seldom have I ever seen any comments made regarding the compassion that should be shown toward those that Sproul abused. Let's also remember that Sproul confessed to at least some of those abuses. However, the record is completely silent where it concerns Sproul having ever made any form of restitution or reconciliation toward those that he abused.
The angst over the Sproul/Wilson connection seems rather easy to sort through. The Sproul/Phillips connection is quite a bit more murky, other than Phillips appears to have come to Sproul's aid and defense. The "kurfuffle" (as Doug Wilson terms it) appears to have started over the alleged ecclesiastical abuses of Doug Phillips against Mark and Jennifer Epstein. I say alleged because, unlike the situation with Sproul, Phillips isn't part of any denomination that the Epsteins could have appealed to and Phillips wasn't willing to have the matter heard by any third party, including Peacemaker Ministries. The Epsteins claim abuse. Phillips denies it, and without any ecclesiastical accountability the matter isn't likely to ever be resolved. Much of it appears to be "he said, she said" and so many people are just going to believe whatever it is they want to believe. However, there is much that we can discern regarding Phillips' pastoral skills based on the type of response that he showed the Epsteins after they went public with their story. Was his response pastoral? Was it even at all Christ-like? No, I don't think it was, and for my part I'd thought much better of Phillips before it all happened than after.
Thanks for permitting this dialogue.
You're welcome and thank you. I cherish opportunities to sharpen my iron. Thanks.
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