Sunday, August 3, 2008

Excerpt from Constitution Party Email Update

Baldwin, the Constitution Party candidate for president, is a minister, radio talk show host and writer. He has been an outspoken critic of the United Nations’ aggressive Agenda 21, a program Baldwin calls “the mechanism by which Americans are rapidly losing their sovereignty, their Constitutionally- guaranteed rights and their liberties”.

Baldwin points out: “The United Nations’ stealth policies, through so-called Sustainable Development will serve only to create a tyrannical New World Order. Americans must begin to connect the dots on global schemes to advance gun control, promote a globalist education agenda in our classrooms and take away our freedoms under the guise of ‘environmentalism’. The U.N. is behind the push for national ID cards, higher taxes, denigration of the Judeo- Christian world view and the coming North American Union”.

Agenda 21 wiki-page.

Agenda 21 Document.

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