with a few more a-a-a-a-a-a's in there, hence goes the song.
I Co 10:23
Good point AmericanAfrican. "Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial…" that does not mean that "everything" is permissible. "What!? but it says!!!" ok, this is why ppl were not allowed to read the bible for a very long time (sarcasm).
The point is not to overturn everything that has been scripturally established up to this point some 4000 yrs after "in the beginning." the point is to cover what has not been specifically ruled on…that is "everything [else]."
ok, i'll stop yelling now. the "baptists" somehow turn scripture on its head and end up with something more like: 'if it is not permitted, it is forbidden.' this is wrong. they are manipulating scripture for good intentions (and yeah…uh…nvm;). but they are wrong to do so.
ok so, we can drink! woohoo, party at my place tonite!! now now, let's not get carried away. indulging is not expressly forbidden, but indulging to excess is forbidden.
but that is not an answer either. what is excess? this is why i say we have little ground to judge, w/o obvious destructive behavior. don't judge me and i will not judge you. how abt we leave it there.
NO?! not good enough huh? so here we go:
since i've written my june first post i've seen: alcohol makes ppl stupid, they make poor decisions, they are more prone to suggestion, the relationships kindled over drinking are very strong, bonds are formed that may not have formed or have been able to be formed otherwise…
now having said that, let me say that it's not the alcohol. IT doesn't make ppl stupid. alcohol speeds things up socially. self-destructive personalities may achieve 'success' sooner by imbibing. in my experience far too many ppl have self destructive habits…
a word abt relationships: if the ppl you're drinking with are ppl you already wanted to be friends with then great. you'll probably become friends faster. but if you don't know them, not really, if you don't know if you can trust them; then why in [someone important]'s name would you make yourself vulnerable?? rant. done.
i have tested my limits and found them. now i can drink and make merry, extremely merry, and not get "wasted." but again, who defines wasted? i think that it's a personal definition honestly. how do i feel the next day? can i do my job? take care of my boys? how do i treat ppl when i have "drunk"?
to conclude: it is permitted. warning: it is strong drink and must be handled accordingly.
Prov 31:4-7 & I Tim 3:3,8 & Tit 2:3
the lower on the totem pole = the more appropriate it is to indulge and make merry. the higher you go, it becomes less appropriate. misuse can bring someone low, really low. i have seen it. but for those who are already low, hey go for it. sadly, that is all some have to live for, why deny them that bit of earthly comfort? also note Prov 31:6,7. not only does scripture NOT forbid alcohol at this juncture, BUT it orders it to be given to a select special group of ppl: those who NEED it most…
once my thot…now my writ.
but to be explicitly or abundantly clear:
"At what point do you actually believe the consumption of alcohol is sinning?" ~J
you have sinned before you even started when your intentions are sinful. this may not make sense at first. think abt it tho. when you want to do something you know is wrong, but won't 'let yourself' you can drink and poof! your inhibitions are gone…also if you know that you're prone to sinning when drunk (swd;) but drink anyways…strike one.
you go along with suggestions you normally wouldn't have, but that doesn't absolve you of wrong doing. you fight. all manner of sin can take place swd…strike two.
you have a hangover that prevents you from completing your responsibilities. you wake up in a strangers house. ppl usually don't even remember what happens while they're sinning while wasted (sww)…but who ppl really are comes out. you default to your baseline programming sww.
wasted=sin…strike three.
but bigger than the BAC a person has is their attitude/heart/intentions. these are the real sources of the SIN…
Friday, April 23, 2010
…blame it on the alcohol.
Posted by
5:35 PM
Labels: Random Thoughts, Update
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