Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Gary DeMar on Third Party Candidacy for President

Third Parties and Political Presumption, Gary DeMar

I understand the point being made. And I agree that we ought not ignore local politics, but by the same token we ought not swing to an extreme in the opposite direction.

In my mind, I have to make one of two choices: vote my conscience or abstain. I will not vote for evil when it is in my hand to vote for righteousness. Don't waste your vote!

So far it looks like my candidates will be:
President/VP - Chuck Baldwin/Darrell Castle (Constitution Party)
U.S. Senate (SC) - Bob Conley (Democrat)
U.S. House - District 1 - NONE
Anyone running below that doesn't appear to have competition and I haven't (yet?) evaluated their platforms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lindsey Graham is bought and paid for by big banks, Lobbyists, and Wall St!
Get Lindsey Graham out of DC He is a LIAR
Lindsey Graham and John McCain LIED
Lindsey Graham voted for the "BAIL OUT!""

But you can vote for Patriot, Bob Conley! Bob Conley is running against Lindsey Graham
Check Bob Conley out here http://www.BobConleyforSenate.com