The truth shall set you free, not lies. Where is truth to be found? In Scripture to be sure. Is Scripture accredited? Not by any secular agency. The Bible however has been accredited. It is self-accredited, accredited by the Holy Spirit and the spirit which is man and in man.
So the Bible tells us everything? No. You will need extra-Biblical education if you want to know more. So then, I should go to a secularly accredited institution of un-truth? No. To suggest that that is your only option for education versus non-education is a false dilemma.
Here are the options:
1. You choose to attend a secular school.
There are many reasons for this choice. The premier reason is usually lack of knowing a better way. For shame, it is too bad that many Christians send their children to be indoctrinated in institutions that hate God and will remove God from every area of life. The children may not lose their faith but that is all they will be left with when the school gets through with them. They will lose a God-centered perspective of history. They will forget why God created the heavens and the earth. They will accede far too much territory to the enemy to stay below the radar and get good grades. This is not a criticism. They have no choice; the teacher "knows" more than the student.
If they resist intellectually they will live and work in turmoil knowing that lies are being spewed forth daily and few of them will ever be contested in class; there is simply no time for debate. Memorize the "facts" (deny Him once), write it all down on the test (deny Him twice) and pass the course (deny Him thrice); get a good grade and move on to the next course in humanism. Make no mistake they will be influenced. Even for those who resist the lies will be influenced.
The only way to counteract the intellectual atheism of "higher" education is to train your mind in the opposing arguments.
If you are in chemistry or biology, in addition to your course load, read "Darwin's Black Box" or similar books. If you are taking history you may want to get books/audio by Rushdoony or Wilkins or the like. Math is fairly "neutral," just don't listen to what your teacher says about things other than math. Science; know that the modern science is man's present day mythology. Science is savior. Secular humanism is the religion. Modern science is based not on absolutes but on relativity. Quantum theory has stood rational science on its head.
The pitfalls are many and the benefits are few. Think about why you choose this path. There are many wrong reasons for choosing this kind of school.
Get Informed (Required Reading):
Must Your Children Run the Collegiate Gauntlet?
The Dorm-Key Ritual
Running the Collegiate Gauntlet at Age 17
Thought Reform 101
2. You choose to attend a "Christian" school.
This school, while apparently the safe alternative, far too often proves the more dangerous option. Many "Christian" schools simply teach a "baptized" secularism. They concede the point to the secularists removing God from education everywhere it would be important to keep Him. They acknowledge His existence merely as an unproven and crudely held belief. Losing one's faith in a Bible College is no uncommon tragedy. As with anything, evaluate the school yourself. There are good "Christian" schools but they are few. Christ College is one example of a school I would trust to send my children. No others really come to mind (they may be out there though...Geneva College?).
3. You decide not to go to school.
This is a safe decision. You may not be educated to the world's standards, but that is a good thing. Education in America means giving up God and becoming "enlightened." For those who are educated and Christians, they are often stigmatized as being biased and not a respectable authority/source. A Ph.D. is a waste of time and money.
True education doesn't need to be expensive. It will cost something though; motivation. There are public libraries, school libraries, internet, and educational organizations. There are conferences, lectures and simple networking that can be done to garner an above average education. It is there if you want it.
4. You decide to get an education the cheapest way you know how.
Not going to school for the first two years is the first suggestion. CLEP's or AP credits are highly recommended. You may be able to get life experience credit. If you know a lot about the subject from high school or your own studies you may be able to test out of the class. Minor fees are involved in getting college credit for any of these but you will save some money and a lot of time.
Then "attend" class by taking online courses. Behold the power of the internet. You can work from home in your pajamas. You do school work around your own schedule. Again motivation is needed in order to save time and money. With less motivation you will at least save some money. Young people can pay for their own education this way, thereby taking ownership of it. There are hundreds of accredited online schools. The secular learning without the secular influence and pressure of conformity.
I would also suggest Whitefield College. It is non-accredited. You can go at your own pace or you can follow the semester time-line. I am currently registering for my first class at Whitefield. (Note: This is a small educational ministry with few people involved in administration. It took two months for me to get accepted and to begin the process. Don't get impatient if you decide on this school. If you do decide on this school, email me for a phone number you may want.
Conclusion: I have mentioned nothing about financial aid. That is something you must work out with the school you choose. There are many options. Working to pay your way through college is one of them. In addition there may be other schooling options than those I have mentioned...If so, then they help make my case. You do not have to send your children to a godless institution. If you want them to learn something, have them read a good book. If you want them to learn the arts of the enemy they could even buy a textbook out of a school's bookstore. Do they know how to read and write? Good. Can they write a college level paper? There are books that teach it. Can they write an objective research paper? It is not that difficult to learn. Seriously if you have questions on education email me. I am in school and dealing with all of the humanist propaganda passing for education. I take this issue personal. Don't do it to your children without a clear understanding of what it is that you're trying to accomplish.
More links on education:
Timely Advice to College Students
America's Textbooks and America's Wars
The Self-Serving System of Peer Review
Why the Job Market is Slanted in Favor of College Graduates
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The Truth Shall Set You Free; Secular Education Enslaves
Posted by
11:20 AM
Labels: Antithesis, Education, Random Thoughts
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1 comment:
Excellent job, Michael! I especially liked the use of "deny Him once, twice, thrice". How true, how true. I'm grieved by the number of homeschooling Christians, who thought nothing of keeping their children out of government schools, simply to wave as they send them off to 'higher' educational institutes more hostile to the Gospel than the ones in their local school district. For shame... Thanks again. We will be giving friends of ours a copy as they consider sending their sweet, godly 18 yr old DD to our local "High School on the Hill".
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