What do you believe? Why do you believe it? Most people have not reflected adequately upon these questions. To ask these types of questions is to begin to develop epistemology.
I have asked myself these types of questions for nearly ten years now. My answers have not always been the same. That is, I have grown in my understanding of the true nature of the universe. Put another way: I have matured.
In maturing, however I have never seen truth to cease being truth. What I knew to be absolutely true when I was fifteen, I still know to be true. But the more truth I acquire, the more I find myself to be alone. No one likes to be alone, even a "loner" such as myself. I have idealogical enemies everywhere. I have a few idealogical friends, but more enemies than friends. This may be my own feelings, but sometimes it feels as if those closest to me do not understand the weight I bear because of all the issues.
In politics we want "change." From what to what? What is wrong with the system? Does anyone even ask the question? No, because if they did they would probably realize how to fix the problem. So we get this vague idea that we need change. What is reality? The truth is that it does not really matter who the president is.
Whether it is a Democrat or a Republican in office will not make a difference. Unborn humans will continue to be murdered, women will continue to be disrespected by being thrown onto the front lines of war, Christianity will be the only taboo religion, homosexual "marriages" will become recognized by all 50 states, the family will continue to deteriorate, science will continue to be replaced by socio-political pseudo-religious propaganda, energy prices will sky rocket, the government will continue to interfere with free market energy alternatives, taxes will go up (or at the very least some tax credits will go away = taxes going up), and then it will begin again in 3-4 years.
In economics we want a free lunch. Admit it. It is true. But the problem is "there is no such thing...". But no matter what we say in assent, we still want to believe we can get that free lunch. "We believe what we want to believe." (Demosthenes). So instead of admitting truth that God cursed Man to enrich himself only by toil, we instead turn to legalised theft through the redristribution of wealth or we just try to destroy wealth because of envy. Furthermore, we do not want to deny ourselves anything. "I want it and I want it now!" There is no working hard and saving money to purchase the one thing we really want. "Instead why not get everything you want on credit? The government is not fiscally responsible so why should I be?" Additionally we are in an intellectual crisis. What is the inverted yield curve? What does that even mean? Did the speculators drive up the price of oil? I suppose it has nothing to do with the millions of vehicles on the US highways. "No, we do not have a high demand for oil which could drive up prices. We are a hard working nation who do not primarily seek after recreation." No one studies economic theory. It is too much work and we do not like to work. We want everything and we want it for free; that is, we do not want to work hard for it.
In church we want a loving God. No, what we really want is a benevolent santa claus who will never be upset with us and who only has but gifts to give away. But what does every primitive culture agree to about God? He must be appeased. So every religion is designed to appease God or remove guilt from the human conscience. They are the same thing really. So is God angry? You better believe it. You better get right with God or you will see wrath up close and personal. But Christians do not help the situation either. They actually comfort the wicked in their wickedness. "God loves you..." What? That is not what the Law-Word of God says. Other Christians do only slightly better. Mix one part Christianity, two parts humanism, one part existentialism, three parts moralism, one part subjectivism, one-half part existentialism and one-half part materialism and you end up with the run-of-the-mill evangelical Christian. The Church is poor and the kingdom of God seems to be losing to the kingdom of darkness. For those Christians who do care about the truth, thank you. But even still you resist truth, because the truth hurts and it is too much work and it is hard to bear. But even Jesus' disciples forsook Him at a critical time. The truth was too much for them...Later they redeemed themselves by laying down their lives for the sake of the truth. I may never have to lay down my life for the truth, but I am "giving up" my life to the pursuit of the truth and all of the hard work that accompanies it.
In school we want easy. "Why should I have to work hard? Everyone else gets easy teachers. Is this test open book? Take home? Is there extra credit? Does attendance and participation count towards my grade? Why do I have to read? What is on the test? But wikipedia says..." Actually I have not heard that leveled as a legitimate argument, but only colloquially. Why is it so difficult to understand that anything worth having is worth working for?
What does it take to influence people to change? Do we respond only to creative advertising? How does one achieve a position of influence? Is that a noble goal? What is truth?
Should I care? Should I bother? It hurts so much to know the truth and to keep it bottled inside. It is like a fire that burns inside of me. Why does no one listen? Why does no one care? I know I am not the only one, God will always have a remnant. But it is hard. I am not yet ready to challenge academia. I am currently under tutelage. It is not my role to retrain Christians. I am not a pastor or theologian. I am not able to restore the economy. I am trying to implement successful personal financial management myself. I am not able to teach everyone how the economy really works. I am currently teaching myself economic theory. I cannot depose the establishment. They are so entrenched that the people they rob would die for them. How can I awaken such people who are that blind? I am not a charming orator. What good is it for me to know the truth and alone benefit from it? But how do I give it to people who "cannot handle the truth?"
This is my epistemological crisis. Given what I know, what am I supposed to do next?
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