(T) Listed as "formative Anglican divines" in an article by the Very Rev. Dr. Justyn Terry on TSM website.
(W) Listed as a "founder of Anglican theological thought" on Wikipedia bio for Hooker.
Thomas Cranmer (T)(W)
Richard Hooker (T)(W)
Lancelot Andrewes (T)
John Jewel (W)
Notable martyred Anglican bishops:
Cranmer "the great man of learning"
Ridley "an able theologian"
Latimer "the great preacher among the Reformers"
Founders of Anglicanism:
Henry VIII
Queen Elizabeth
Thomas Cranmer
Richard Hooker
John Jewel
George Herbert
John Donne
Famous Anglicans:
C. S. Lewis
N. T. Wright
John Stott
J. I. Packer
Alister McGrath
Monday, March 31, 2014
Anglican Bios (wiki)
Posted by
2:11 PM
Episcopal Ministries
Hmmm...may not apply to ACNA. Political possibility. I hope not though. I need to find out...
The Order of St. Luke is a religious order dedicated to sacramental and liturgical scholarship, education and practice (open to clergy/laity, male/female, married/single).
The Order of the Daughters of the King is a Christian community offering spiritual support for women of all ages.
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is a worldwide ministry to men and boys.
Posted by
1:51 PM
Labels: Christian Community, Links
Global Warming and Risk, Risk, Risk! Subtitled: Our Diar[rhea] Circumstances...
Holy Crimea Batman! This piece reads like the alarmist literature it claims to not be. As I got a good laugh out of how it linked all of the world's ills to global warming, I thought to myself, "Why not blame the widening rich-poor gap on global warming too!" And guess what? Unfortunately, I cannot even muster the courage to quote the ridiculousness contained therein. Instead, I shall make a prediction.
I have no idea how long it will take for policy setters...er...modern scientists, to quit their shenanigans. Thus I give no timeline to my prediction. One disclaimer: I don't mean all scientists have disavowed science for politics, I mean that those policy setters wearing the academic garb of scientia are not scientists in any sense of the word (hyperbole). The average person will one day view global-warmers as we now view flat-earthers. Unfortunately, they will probably misattribute the held belief of the common uneducated person to the religious who have opposed the common view if for no other reason than that it fails to align with divine revelation. #endrant
Posted by
1:22 PM
Labels: Antithesis, Apologetics, Economics, Freedom and Liberty, History, News, Philosophy, Politics, Prophecy, Random Thoughts, Theology
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Good News for the BK Baby (circa 1986)
It is refreshing to read some good news once in a while.
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2:00 PM
Labels: News, Random Thoughts
Best Advice: Stay Out of Debt
$1 trillion student loan debt widens US wealth gap
I have written about this before. There is a problem. Let's take a look at the data.
According to the statistics from BLS.gov on median earnings, you will earn $23,764 a year more if you have a Bachelor's degree compared to your high school graduate counterpart. (Don't take this to be prescriptive though.)
According to this CNNMoney article, the average school-related debt by 2013 graduates is around $35,200. Just read some of the comments..."12% of graduates, regretted their decisions entirely, saying their college education didn't justify the debt burden." That's awful. How were they duped into this (rhetorical)?
CNNMoney isn't trying to scare monger, they offer pretty good advice here.
Why am I pointing this out? There's a problem. Mainstream media says there's a problem. Now what is the root? I say the idea that "you have to go to college" is one of the problems. I think we should replace it with the idea that "you have to count the cost of going to college" which includes the idea of adequate preparation and the possibility of a 'no build' option. (If you are bristling about the idea of a 'no build' option right now, you are making my point.)
The idea that everyone has to go to college leads to high demand...hence rising tuition costs. It leads to the thinking "if statistics show people whom have higher levels of education make more on average, I should seek the highest levels of education"...which brings us to the original article to which I've linked. The number of jobs for PhD's isn't going to change simply based on more people getting PhD's, so all it will result in is that more people have a PhD level of college debt without the PhD level of pay that they were counting on having with which to pay it off. These people are debtor-slaves.
How do you take the people with the greatest potential and marginalize them? Enslave them to college debt. That's the most sinister thing about the issue. Is it driven from that viewpoint? It doesn't have to be. It may be an unintended consequence of poor policies, but that doesn't make it any less heinous.
Oh, and we've only talked about the college graduates. What about those who do not graduate?
Posted by
1:54 PM
Labels: Education, Random Thoughts
The Attitude for an Attempt to Ascent...Applicable Aptitude? (Mt. Rainier)
Choosing a Mt Rainier Guide Service
Tips from first-timers
Do I need a guide to climb Mt Rainier?
Rainier without a guide (forum)
Cold Thistle (blog)
Guide Services:
Alpine Ascents International
International Mountain Guides LLC
Rainier Mountaineering, Inc.
Posted by
10:00 AM
Labels: Links, Random Thoughts
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Logic and Faith in Christianity (cf. Faith in the Illogical Premise of Materialism)
Personally, I wouldn't say science was founded on the belief that a logical God exists…I would say scientific reasoning relies on logic which presumes the law of non-contradiction. There is no evidence for the laws of logic. And I agree that logic reflects the mind of God.
My reduction of Materialism: I cannot believe in God because there is no proof of his existence. I must see the evidence before I can believe it. I will not put blind faith in anything…except for the philosophy that says I will not put blind faith in anything. The truth is that I put my faith in that philosophical position. I accept it 'a priori' and evaluate everything by that presupposition. But the most important thing to remember is this: there is no proof for my belief system; I accept it on faith and subsequently reject all other faith positions as untenable because they lack the evidentiary basis. I know it is illogical but I'm human so the irrational doesn't bother me.
The reality is that there is a God. I have faith. I am not ashamed to have faith in the unseen and use logic to evaluate that which is seen. It is paradoxical, but that doesn't make it irrational. To me the faith position may be tenable so long as it is not self-contradictory. 'Credo ut intelligam.' I believe the only presupposition to make sense of the world in a non-contradictory way is theism. That is what I believe. To ask for evidence of what is neither provable nor disprovable is intellectually dishonest. The Epistle to the Romans indicates the basis for unbelief is immorality and unbelief is the justification we seek to excuse our own behavior. Belief requires repentance. I do not say it with pride. If not for the grace of God I would not believe. He called me. Thank God he gave me the choice to listen.
Posted by
1:12 PM
Labels: Apologetics, Random Thoughts, Theology
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Friday, March 21, 2014
Anglican/Episcopal Provinces (?) in the US
Anglican Church in North America
The Episcopal Church
Reformed Episcopal Church
Anglican Province of Christ the King
Anglican Province of America
Anglican Church in America
Churches not in "Communion"
Posted by
2:45 PM
Labels: Links, Random Thoughts
Monday, March 17, 2014
M. G. Kline Resources
Books to buy/read:
Treaty of the Great King
Images of the Spirit
Articles to read:
Kline on Multi-Perspectivalism
Creation in the Image of the Glory-Spirit
Posted by
12:36 PM
Labels: Theology
Friday, March 14, 2014
New to Anglicanism
My Parish: St. Charles Anglican Church
My Diocese: Cascadia
My Province: Anglican Church in North America (ACNA)
The Anglican Communion: Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON)
Anglican Misc:
Posted by
1:46 PM
Labels: Random Thoughts