Visiting family for Christmas?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Gas savers website.
Posted by
9:45 AM
Labels: Random Thoughts
Saturday, October 25, 2008
What are the chances of that?
What are the chances that a meteor will crash into the earth and end all life?
the probability of occurrence is less than 0.01% in ten thousand years, i.e., less than one chance in one hundred million (10-8) per year. This is roughly equivalent to the probability estimated for mass global extinction of life caused by the impact of an extra-terrestrial body on the Earth (Crowe et al., 2006).
Now you know...
Source: NRC Report
Posted by
12:46 PM
Labels: Random Thoughts
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Eschatology Bible Study
The bible study I was going to write...someday. If you are nervous about the future of Christianity or the future in general go through this study.
Posted by
1:07 PM
Labels: Theology
Monday, October 20, 2008
Major and Minor Prophets
Pre-Exilic Prophets ( Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah)
Exilic/Post-Exilic Prophets ( Ezekiel, Daniel, Joel, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi)
Note which Propets are which. This will aid in the study of the action-packed tomes.
Posted by
5:34 AM
Labels: Theology
Women Civil Rulers...
Isaiah 3:12
O My people! Their oppressors are children, And women rule over
them. O My people! Those who guide you lead you astray And
confuse the direction of your paths.
Posted post-election...Even though we will not have a woman VP for the next four years it is still a valid question to ask; what is the Bible's position on this subject?
Posted by
4:57 AM
Labels: Theology
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Who are your SC Legislators?
Find out here:
Results for 29445-9614:
U.S. Senators
Senior - U.S. Senator Lindsey O. Graham
Junior - U.S. Senator Jim W. DeMint
U.S. House District 1 - U.S. Representative Henry E. Brown, Jr.
Your South Carolina State Senator is SC Senate District 37 - Senator Lawrence "Larry" K. Grooms
Your South Carolina State Representative is SC House District 117 - Representative Thomas "Tom" M. Dantzler
Now I can figure out who to vote for in the State races...Too bad I don't have any SC Constitution Party Candidates running in my districts. There a few of them:
Declared Candidates for the 2008 Elections:
South Carolina - Constitution Party of South Carolina |
Candidate: Frank Waggoner Office Sought: U.S. Congress - District 5 |
Candidate: Polly Nicolay Office Sought: State Senate - District 1 |
Candidate: John Langville Office Sought: State Senate - District 7 |
Candidate: Patricia. Matthews Office Sought: State House - District 104 |
Candidate: Matt Jarfi Office Sought: Horry County Council District 6 |
Update: Links fixed!
Posted by
2:42 PM
SC Legislature
Posting post-election...sry 'bout that...
Posted by
2:33 PM
Labels: Politics
Do you know the song?
Revelation 14:3 And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders; and no one could learn the song except the one hundred and forty-four thousand who had been purchased from the earth.
I hope you do. If you do not, ask me and I will tell it to you. I hope by then you will discover what it takes to really learn the song.
Posted by
8:14 AM
Labels: Theology
Thursday, October 9, 2008
My crude historical outline of Free-Market thought
Mercantilism gave governments an excuse for privation of their countrysides for the benefit of their "country" or royal coffers. (Terms to google: Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Louis XIV)
Physiocrats or economistes came into existence under authoritarian France. They coined the term laissez faire. They applied the enlightenment ideals of freedom and liberty to economics during a time of growing enlightenment in the culture at large. (Terms to google: Francois Quesnay)
Adam Smith was an intellectual heir to the physiocrats and also English. His Wealth of Nations popularized free market theory. (Terms to google: Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations)
Carl Menger and others in Austria (I do believe they were also under an authoritarian government) had amazing insights into what really drove the market's pricing of goods: demand. The next generation of Austrian free market economists Ludwig von Mises, Frederick Hayek, explained the trade cycle in terms of economic theory thereby discovering the source of the "boom-and-bust" cycle. (Terms to google: supply and demand, Ludwig von Mises, Frederick Hayek, Austrian economics)
Today there is a thriving school of thought call Austrian economics. Ludwig von Mises Institute is the de facto headquarters. Some famous or infamous people associated with it are Ron Paul, Lew Rockwell, Murray Rothbard, et al. (Terms to google: austrian theory of the trade cycle, Murray Rothbard)
To aid in the learning process I am including a list of links to sites promoting liberty in politics and economics:
"The Ludwig von Mises Institute is the research and educational center of classical liberalism and the Austrian School of economics."
I also subscribe to which is where I get most of my knowledge from. But it costs $15 a month. You can get most of the same information for "free" but you'll have to work harder for it (it'll only cost you time...).
Congressman Ron Paul's website.
Lew Rockwell blog and site.
Constitution Party. I vote for their candidates.
Chuck Baldwin's website (Constitution Party Candidate 2008).
Chalcedon Foundation. A Christian educational organization.
Campaign for Liberty.
Ron Paul Archives.
Gary North Archives. And his Freebooks website.
If this list isn't daunting enough Google: Murray Rothbard, Ludwig von Mises, Carl Menger, Frederick Hayek, Frederick Bastiat, Adam Smith...
Posted by
3:47 AM
Labels: Economics, Freedom and Liberty, Politics
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Should you vote for the lesser of two evils?
It depends on the reason why.
I will not, because I will vote my conscience. I cannot in good conscience vote evil into office and thereby be a part of perpetuating evil in our elected leadership.
But I have colleagues who I deeply respect voting for the candidate whom I would call "the lesser of two evils." Are they wrong in taking this course of action? I think not, if their actions are well reasoned. By this I mean that they actually have valid reasons for voting for a major party candidate. Their "good" reasons alone I cannot take issue with...So why do two people who hold such similar beliefs take actions so dissimilar?
I have concluded that we are approaching this particular issue from different perspectives. I am a conscience voter. I believe my friends are approaching the issue from a practical/pragmatic viewpoint. The next question is: How ought one to presuppose this issue? I don't think this question is valid however. I don't think that it is wrong to decide to vote by conscience or vote by what is practical, so long as the issues are clearly understood.
Not one of us believes in salvation by state. This is fundamental. This must never be lost on those who like to debate politics from a distinctively Christian perspective. Another issue which may cause some division is that; that which is pure cannot be elicited from that which is impure. Politicians with faulty views will fix nothing. I hope my friends are keeping this in mind. A vote for a major party candidate will at best slow the descent into chaos. There will be no reversal in policy. If they understand this then I fully support them in their vote; in fact I could almost join them...But I think we need people like me as well as them.
One faction votes to slow the descent into chaos while working for restoration; the other faction votes only for the candidate which "would" bring political restoration while working to bring this country to a point where they would actually vote for him (i.e. "restoration," s.a.a.).
Conclusion: Note that both factions must work for restoration. To ignore this critical element is truly casting a wasted vote (even if the vote is an abstention; God bless the political dissenters). Ultimately salvation is by the cross. Preaching Christ crucified is what will bring restoration. Preaching Christ's Lordship over every area of life will bring restoration. Obedience to the preaching is what will bring restoration.
Posted by
4:56 AM
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
FED: Private or Public?
In response to a comment; Gary North on his Q&A forum:
If the FED is not private "at all," then why do all the 12 regional Fed banks have .org in their web addresses? Why do they all pay postage, unlike the Board of Governors?
The Board of Governors has .gov. It is a government institution. It mails out under the government's frank.
You learn something new everyday. The FED really is a monstrous hybrid from Jekyll sland.
Posted by
5:40 PM
Are we in recession?
Depression, recession, mild downturn...What do these words mean anyways?
Did anyone see this coming? Yes. I was warned by those who study economic theory. By all indications as of the end of 2007 we were heading for recession.
If you want to learn more check out this required reading list: The Recession Reader
Posted by
5:37 PM
Labels: Economics
Gary DeMar on Third Party Candidacy for President
Third Parties and Political Presumption, Gary DeMar
I understand the point being made. And I agree that we ought not ignore local politics, but by the same token we ought not swing to an extreme in the opposite direction.
In my mind, I have to make one of two choices: vote my conscience or abstain. I will not vote for evil when it is in my hand to vote for righteousness. Don't waste your vote!
So far it looks like my candidates will be:
President/VP - Chuck Baldwin/Darrell Castle (Constitution Party)
U.S. Senate (SC) - Bob Conley (Democrat)
U.S. House - District 1 - NONE
Anyone running below that doesn't appear to have competition and I haven't (yet?) evaluated their platforms.
Posted by
3:19 PM
Labels: Politics
Monday, October 6, 2008
SC Voting...
Are you registered? Too late if you are not, but if you've forgotten where you need to vote check out the SC State Election Commission website.
Berkeley Co. Candidates
Charleston Co. Candidates
Dorchester Co. Candidates
Posted by
5:29 AM
Labels: Politics
Sunday, October 5, 2008
The evil in counting.
I was thinking of Deut 17:14-17;
14 “When you enter the land which the LORD your God gives you, and you possess it and live in it, and you say, ‘I will set a king over me like all the nations who are around me,’ 15 you shall surely set a king over you whom the LORD your God chooses, one from among your countrymen you shall set as king over yourselves; you may not put a foreigner over yourselves who is not your countryman. 16 “Moreover, he shall not multiply horses for himself, nor shall he cause the people to return to Egypt to multiply horses, since the LORD has said to you, ‘You shall never again return that way.’ 17 “He shall not multiply wives for himself, or else his heart will turn away; nor shall he greatly increase silver and gold for himself. (NASB)
But, there was no mention of a census! I was wrong. Obviously there were principles laid out here that may be taken to cover the way in which David carried out his census.
The passage you spoke of was II Sam. 24 and its parallel is in in I Chron. 21.
My footnotes (Geneva) make some good points:
II Sam. 24:2 For the king said to Joab the captain of the host, which [was] with him, Go speedily now through all the tribes of Israel, from Dan even to Beersheba, and number ye the people, that I may know the (c) number of the people.
(c) Because he did this to try his power and so to trust therein, it offended God, else it was lawful to number the people, Exod. 30:12; Num. 1:2.
I Chron. 21:1 And (a) Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel.
(a) He tempted David, in setting before his eyes his excellency and glory, his power and victories, read 2 Sam. 24:1.
21:3 And Joab answered, The LORD increased his people an hundred times so many as they [be], O my lord the king: [are] they not all my lord’s servants? wherefore doeth my lord require this thing? why should he be a cause of (c) trespass to Israel?
(c) It was a thing indifferent and usual to number the people, but because he did it of an ambitious mind, as though his strength stood in his people, God punished him.
Conclusion: Numbering the people was not itself a sin. But, it could be a sin if done for the wrong reasons as evidenced by the scriptural account with David, Joab, et al.
Posted by
8:51 PM
Labels: Theology
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Vote No for those who voted Yes
Find your Representative in the roll call for the vote on the, Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008.
My SC Rep Brown is down. Whoever the Democrat running against him may get my vote...
"Nobody really wanted to do this" and yet they did. They didn't want to vote against "their conscience," so they ignored the voters who put them in office. Pardon me!? Honorable Sir/Madam, I am your conscience. You are answerable to me, not Wall Street bankers. But I guess I have no sway with you because I don't pander to you. But I thought you worked for me...
If you (reader) want to make a difference, know that we are in the fight for the long haul.
1. Educate yourself (Google: campaign for liberty, restore the republic, ludvig von mises institute, austrian economics, Christian economics, gary north, ludvig von mises, frederick hayek, carl menger, murray rothbard, laissez faire, austrian theory of the trade cycle, rousas john rushdoony, david chilton, greg bahnsen, ron paul, constitution party, howard phillips, etc.)
2. Stay away from D.C./get involved locally ("All politics is local.").
3. Educate/catechize/indoctrinate your children in the same, thereby perpetuating the growing ranks of freedom lovers (who will do the same, and on and on and on).
Senate roll call vote on the bailout bill.
Senate roll call vote on the bailout amendment.
Update: Gary North's post that inspired my call to arms: A Civics Lesson for Very Slow Learners: American Voters
Posted by
11:48 AM
Labels: Freedom and Liberty, News, Politics, Update